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Friday, March 30, 2007 @ 2:24 AM

28th march:

Met up with Huiqi, Sher and and and Viv lol to discuss about the suprise party on 29th march. Viv and I were supposed to have decided on the location but we didnt and Huiqi and Sher was quite angry about that haha. Viv and I meet each other almost everyday but the things we did were not related to the party except the CARD hehe. The something that we designed is the birthday card for Zixin x). It was full of PINKY Chanseys. We discussed and discussed and finally decided on KAP cause it is the most convenient place for all the JCians. We kept on off-tracking, gossiping about people haha. Talk and talk and talk and it was time for Viv to go for her piano lesson. But we hadnt order a cake YET. So we rushed to breadtalk and four leaves to check out the cakes xP. Found a chocolaty cake which looks quite "chio" and we ordered it hees. I'm supposed to collect the cake tomorrow and to lead VIv to her piano lesson place. So after we are done with the cake, Viv and I "chiong" to Fajar, VERY brisk walk. And damn the escalator in fajar shopping centre, it was still under renovation. So we climbed the stairs T.T, perspiring like "sai" HAHA. And we parted =.=

29th march:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our DEAREST XIANG XIANG!!! Wish you all the best x) Sweet 17th bdae xD Love ya lots!! muacks xP hehe. Today is the day for the suprise party muahahaha. Viv and I arranged to meet at bp plaza at 3.30pm but she overslept and we met at about 4 plus. Before that I received a call from Huiqi asking me why arent we there yet or something. She sounded quite pissed =S but suddenly she laughed like a crazy girl zzz. Scary uh. We decided not to wait for those from AC cause they will be reaching after 5pm. Viv and I took 184 down to KAP and when we alighted Viv was complaining that her specs was blurry. HAHA It takes some time for her to get used to wearing specs x). Only a few 4i people reached before we reached haha. Most of them were~~~~MUGGING!!!! Oh my god!!! haha. Those from AC will reach earlier as Germ skipped PE cause she is unwell. So everyone will reach before the cake-cutting session lol. Zixin, Huiqi and Sher reached just after the people from AC.

We sang her a birthday song and she cut the cake -.- She was so shy muahahaha. After that we started to "meng" take photos hehe. It was the 1st time I saw all of them wearing their JC uniforms. All of them simply look so cool and smart x) The guys especially, cause for the past few years they have been wearing shorts lol. We had our dinner in Macs. Huiqi suggested that we play "zong ji mi ma" and the girls started to add alot of rubbish in the small packet of curry sauce. It looked just like "sai" haha. Good job! Some of them went off halfway. The rest of us continued to play and then gossip xP. After after that, some of them went off also, leaving Huiqi, Vivien, Zixin, Germ, Kah and Me. Nothing to do and so we started to take photos again and then gossip again. We self entertained ourselves by playing with the CUTE winne the pooh that zx received as her present. It was really "kawaii" when we use it to do some cutie actions. And we went home at about 9 plus pm.

Isnt it kawaii? x)

Bdae GaL xP

All of us =D

Left 11 of us =)

Left 6 of us =S

We look Alike? o.0

Heck the dates on the photos, it's crap lol.

Viv and I were talking about how the others have changed. All of them seem to have grown so much, only the two of us remained stationary o.0 You all look just like big brothers and big sisters =) But it was really a joyful day!!! VERY VERY FUN!!! cause all of us mixed around not like some other outings when the guys were left to rot somewhere HAHA. Thanks so much people WOOHOO~~~ Love all of you so much muahahaha x) We all must meet up often x) Zixin!!! HapPy BiRthDay again =D muacks!!!! *tomorrow wont get to see viv again cause she going to kayak* =( HAHA!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 @ 1:23 AM

Today went out with viv (this name keeps appearing in my entries HAHA) again. We went to NP to settle some stuffs, and viv got her specs. She is so DEPRESSED about having to wear specs, poor viv. The specs design is almost the same as mine LA. We look ALIKE now?? =.= We also went to the laptop exhibition sales in NP. I hope that my parents will buy one for me, they never object but neither did they agree. Haix I also dont know which model to choose. Acer's designs are COOL cause there are garskins to choose from unlike other brands which have normal laptop cover? haha whatever it is called.

When we at the bus-stop checking on which bus we could take, we met 2 CHRISTIANS. They were asking if we are freshmen. Zzz They started talking about christian stuffs and both of us were really felt really awkward cause we didnt want to listen. Viv was wearing her specs when she talked to them. She looked really wise with it which means MATURE HAHA. One of the girls asked me alot of stuffs. We actually communicated in mandarin. Here it goes: S=she M=Me

s, "ni xiang xing ye shu ma?"
m, "bu xiang xing, wo xiang xing wo zi ji."
s, "ni xiang xing zi ji she me?"
m, "wo xiang xing zi ji de neng li" (not physical strength hor lol)
she suddenly said something very ermm...-.-
s, "ye shu ai ni"
m, "wo ye ai ye shu, bu guo wo gen ai wo zi ji. jkjk"

Although I might be joking but then I really cant believe that I said that man. Eh no offence to the Christians =.= both of us said goodbye to them and then went over to the opposite bus-stop to take 154 to Wil's house. We actually remembered the way to his block but too bad we dont remember which floor x). Baby has become really fluffy, she is so furry? looks just like a warm and soft cushion haha feel like hugging her all the time!!!! She is really hyper, just like Dusty and Charkles. Really hope that 3 of them can meet someday HAHA, wonder what will happen? We played 2 persons bridge since there were not enough "ka". It was quite fun but not as fun as the normal one. So we switched to Daidee. Viv said that she was a beginner but she won so many sets hmph maybe she LIED to me again HAHA jkjk. We went home at about 7pm. We were quite lost in the estate but we still managed to find our way out x) pR0s HAHA.

Just finished watching "Rob B Hood" and decided to blog since it is still early =.= The show was really moving. The part when the BABY's life is endangered and Jacky is all out to rescue him. Cried. The baby is soooo damn cute and I feel like carrying him too x). I dont really like movies or dramas showing babies or elderly being ill-treated or whatever just bad things happening to them. Babies are just too "kawaii" haha like Baby? lol. Confusing uh. People GO WATCH!! I feel so bored now, shall go read manga before I turn in hehe. Byes~

Monday, March 26, 2007 @ 11:36 PM

It has been a weeek plus since my lastt entryy x)

17th & 18th march:

Slacked for nearly the whole day until about 10 plus pm when I finished sending kah and germy videos, I took my stuffs and went to take 187 to kah's house to stayover.I was not supposed to stayover at anyone's house cause of my dad's traditional thinking but this time I managed to as both of my parents were away in China x) I'm so cunning woohoo~ I reached her house at about 11pm and it was damn SCARY when I walked past the corridor as there were so many pots of plants. It looked just like an "ulu" area lol. Only germy and I went to stayover -.- cause others were either not free or not interested. We watched the vcd of DBSK's performances together and germy and I were shouting like CRAZY women, only kah remained calm lol. We were so so noisy that night x) When DBSK gang gets together, you cant expect us to keep quiet. Both germy and I went to "kajiao" people on msn using kah's acc and it was very fun and amusing when we typed crap and nonsense and kah was so worried that others would get the the wrong idea or something haha. After that we went to kah's room to gossip and chat and germy was saying that we should sleep at 6am when the sky started to get BRIGHTER, and we really slept at that time lol. We were supposed to wake up at 9.30am but all of us were sleeping like logs and nobody noticed the time. As expected, we were late for korean lesson which starts at 10.30am. But suprisingly, we ARENT the latest cause Angelina will always be that latest-comer haha.

After the lesson all of us except sc went to kinokuniya to buy korean dictionary cause we thought that we need to brush up on our korean since we arent making much progression T.T We went to Tiong Bahru later to check out if the comics connection there has any new DBSKstuffs for sale. Apparently there isnt, and so germy and I went around sg to check out all comics connection after kah left for home and angelina for tuition. It was the "SUAYEST"day both of us experienced la. Everything was just so off, nothing was right haix. Dont feel like talking about it anymore haha. Anyway we bought ALOT of posters and a stickerbook each(like kids =x) but I managed to buy a calendar for germy, a pair of micky's earrings and a necklace with Xiah's name on it when I went to Lot 1 after the both of us went "separate ways" x) But I'm still NOT satisfied cause I couldnt find Xiah's earrings and that was really very fustrating =@ I WILL DEFINITELY FIND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway I received NP enrolment package today ^^

Reached home, chat on msn until about 12am *DING DONG* woohoo~ my parents were back from China. I was so happy as I thought they would buy ALOT of souvenirs, clothes and etc. BUT BUTBUT!!! They bought nothing except FOOD wth, and they expained that the places they went did not sell modern stuffs and all of them do not suit either me or my sister. That was REALLY disappointing. They went for SO LONG and bought so few things back cause my dad said that the bags were too heavy. Haix mu seun.
19th march:

Went to take medical examination at viv's mum's clinic as my poly course requires me to. ALL the tests at one go lol, and it was quite tiring. Chest X-ray, colour vision test, Hepatitis B screening and some physical examination. I lost 2 bottles of BLOOD cause of that HEpatitis B test. Sad to say, at this point of time I still dont know what is my blood TYPE =S. I didnt expect the X-ray to be so fast, the person in charge just asked me to stay in some position *whoosh* and he is done lol. "Heng" there isnt anything wrong with me =) Went to the OCBC bank in Causeway point to pay my school fees for the 1st semester. It was quite expensive, $1205.30 zzzzz I later went shopping with my mum, had our dinner and home sweet home LOL.

20th march:
Met up with viv(again) and sher at bp plaza to chat and hav our lunch together. On this day I found out that viv had been CHEATING on me? haha haix who ask me to be so GULLIBLE T.T and I realised sher was also the accomplice too argh! x) viv and I went to Lot 1 to meet kailin after sher went home at about 3pm. AJ uniform is quite unique maybe cause I've never seen it before. Seldom see AJCians on the streets, maybe they are all mugging at home or at the library =X We chat and chat and CHAT. Nothing SPECIAL happened just that we got ourselves on TV haha. For more information, go to viv's blog to read cause I'm lazy to type it out haha x) Oh ya and I rented "She's the man" dvd, it was SUPERB haha. How superb? Go and watch it yourself xD.

We are on tv!!!

Dont they look alike? xP

21st & 22nd march:

HAHA as mentioned(viv's blog), both of us carried put a SECRET plan. I went to her house AGAIN. I've been seeing her for like everyday lol. It has become a DAILY ROUTINE or something LOL. Charkles doesnt bark at me anymore since I've been going to viv's house EVERYDAY. Really disappointed that the secret plan did not turn out well even after the 2nd attempt. Haix should try out again some other time.

23rd march:

ROT at HOME!!! cause Will decided not to go to viv's house and viv said if will was going then I could go to her house. BUT NO! argh viv asked me to ROT at HOME then T.T sob. And I ROT and ROT.

24th march:

Went to viv's house =.= with sher as we arranged to meet at 9am at her house. Will was LATE and Charkles kept on barking at him when he arrived lol, poor will. Sher and I played with Charkles until Will came and then we started our game of bridge. I finally know how the game goes haha thanks to Viv, Sher and Will. x) It was really fun, even Daidee also cant compare with it. We played slapjack too. Also my 1st time playing it haha. It was fun "slapping" people's hands, I'm a BIANTAI so what hehe. We played and played and played until we became so "sian". We stopped the game and guess what? It's lunchtime haha. I accidentally spilt some CURRY into Will's bowl of soup, so sorry lol. We went to meet the others after that and we were very LATE. Walked to settlers under the super HOT sun with JEANS. We were "can-ing" along the way there LOL. We played alot of reaction games and JX, Will and Glen were the ones who have faster reactions than the rest of us. Those games that we played have really weird names like "UGLY UGLY UGLY" whereby the cards have really ugly pictures on them, "Manga Manga" but it does not have any relation with manga =.= and etc. I really enjoyed the games "GO BANANA" and the dino game(cant rmb the name). It was really a memorable day where we played so many games at a go as if we are DEPRIVED of childhood HAHA.

We took bus 75 to bp plaza while glen took another bus home. Sher went home too after we reached bp. We had our dinner at MOS and it was really suprising to hear that some of the guys have not eaten Mos before. We went to Jx's house after that to play BRIDGE haha everyone seems to be addicted to it. Jx's mum looks really young x). And he has alot? of DORAEMON soft toys, so funny xP and he has a garfield telephone muahahaha. It looks COOL man. When it was time for JJ to go home, viv, will, jx and I went to "lim" kopi. BUT the 3 of them "lim" milo instead haha. The milo cost 90 CENTS and it was DILUTED =.= haha. Wanted to stay longer to chat but my mum called to rush me home. Jx then led us to the Lrt station. I reached home at about 11.50pm =.= and i thought that my parents would scold me but they DIDNT woohoo~~ "Heng"!!

30th storey downwards view, scary uh =S

Bridge at Jx's house ^^

25th march:

Met up with viv at Somerset at 2.30pm and the guys were LATE. Both of us walked to Cineleisure to buy the movie tickets first. 3.05pm was sold out and 4.30pm was filling fast and guess wad? There only seats available at the first, second and third row. We bought the FIRST row seats =.= "Mr bean's holiday" was quite funny but he encountered too much "suay" things such that it made the movie seemed so FAKE. BUT it was much more appealing than CYBORG!!! All of us went home after that. I had steamboat for dinner cause it was my mei's birthday. Happy birthday to her. She was very rude to my relatives and I felt like slapping her. She doesnt have ANY manners argh, heck her. I pasted some stickers on my brother's face for fun and he looks so cute and funny <33

His face xP, still got mee in his mouth =)

On this VERY day I did something which was very not like me. I actually SLEPT at 8 plus pm!!!!!! And I woke up at 12.30pm the next day!! So MANY hours of sleep -.- Maybe I've accumulated too much tiredness and was getting rid of them at a go =P.

26th march:

Actually yersterday I was going to discuss with viv what time are we going to meet. BUT I fell ASLEEP =x I went to her HOUSE lol to design something for someone. Charkles didnt bother to bark at me lol. The designing process was quite TEDIOUS cause we did not know what to add on it. We thought of some really cute stuffs and started playing with it. We even suggested lame ideas like adding "guailan" stuffs HAHA.I hope that the person who will be receiving it will like it x) our EFFORTS will not be put to waste then hehe. Went home after raking a short nap on viv's bed. Ate steamboat again -.- cause there were leftovers from yesterday.

Finally finished this long entry, should I be happy about it? =.= BUT I'm getting really pissed cause of the HOT weather!!! Off i go~~~

Saturday, March 17, 2007 @ 12:51 AM

12th march:

I went to kbox with some 4i peeps but not all of them turned up. Some of them are really not free so they've valid reasons for not going but some promised to turn up actually pangseh the rest of us *boxing gloves ready*. Overall the outing was fun but because of some incidents and some people, it actually left some bad memories haiz. Anyway after kbox-ing, abt 7 plus, some of us went to kopitiam to hav our dinner. That was the only 4i outing we had during the holidays T.T...

13th march:

rot rOt ROT haha. At night, JAM and JAM and JAM. That's about it x)

14th march:

Cai ning, Kah neng and I went to Vivien's house to take guitar and "shun bian" wait for Dusty to come at night. We decided that on the previous day when we jam-ed haha it was so last minute. Kah continued her puzzle ^^ while Cai and I watched drama with Vivien in the living room. We just slacked through out, gossiping in Viv's room hehe it was so funny. Rou jun brought Dusty over around 8 plus. We had a free dog show x). Charkles was so passionate and he kept on "harassing" Dusty. For a moment we thought that they are gay-ing lol. Charkles was so horny and he made some high pitch sound lol. Dusty is the quiet type ^^ and his voice is deep haha manly. After that Viv and I took them for a stroll downstairs. Dusty pooped on the grass haha and Viv had to go back home to take newspaper to clean it up. I was left standing in the middle of the stairs with two dogs. Charkles kept trying to pounce on Dusty and I almost get entangled by the leashes. I was praying that Viv would come down faster lol. I regreted not being the one who went up to take the newspaper haha. I went home at about 10 plus then JAM again lol.

15th march:

I met up with Angelina and Kah neng at JE to meet Shen Chen and Vivien at Cineplex. We arranged to watch the movie "I'm a cyborg but that's ok". The show was damn CRAP and GROSS. We thought that the movie will be very touching and we will cry like siao but in the end, it was lame throughout. We concluded that people came to watch just to see Bi. It was really a waste of money haiz, should have watched "Seducing Mr perfect". It was also a Korean movie and it has Daniel, the shuai american korean, in it x). After that we went to Viv's house *again* =x. This time round we finished the jigsaw puzzle for Viv and framed it up x) It was so beautiful haha. *Kah de gong lao zui da* SC kept quarrelling with Charkles and Dusty kept following Angelina to the room haha. After our dinner we took Charkles and Dusty for a walk ^^. Angelina, SC and Kah went home while me and viv "walk" the dogs.

We saw a female Pomeranian and Charkles started to "jiao liu" with her whereas Dusty avoided her when she came near him lol. Dusty kept on running, faster and FASTER. I was like running a marathon with him lol, like owner like dog, Rou is also a fast runner x) Viv was taking her time to walk slowly with Charkles while I was running like siao lol. We saw a big dog awhile later and Charkles started to growl and bark fiercely at the "stranger" while Dusty remained silent as always haha. We then took them to the soccer court and locked the gate so that they can run freely within that area. Whenever Viv or me started shouting "Run", Dusty and Charkles would run with us and the way they ran was super duper cute hehe but Charkles would run halfway and then towards the big dog and start his barking again. After some time Dusty actually follow suit, it was the very 1st TIME i hear him bark haha, deep and man ^^. Charkles seemed like he was protecting Dusty when he barked at the dog. Nice big brother x)

16th march:

Hoo~ went to JP with Germs, Kah and Zixin to buy present. We bought a necklace with moon and stars on it *shining*.After that we went to Comics Connection to check out DBSK stuffs and mangas and we found that tvxq aka dbsk items are charged only 1 dollar each except for the posters and poker cards. Germ and I were looking for their stuffs crazily haha but there was not enough stock for certain things that we want so we decided to go to all comics connection in sg tomorrow to look for them ^^ because the promotion lasts till 31st of march. Although it is still long way to go but we are scared that there will be no more stocks left haha *kiasu*.

We met up with huiqi and went to some place together. All 5 of us plus Sheralyn went to play pool and as the game progress, we went more siao lol even those who did not drink beer became insane. After that one hour game of pool, we actually went to the playground downstairs and sat on the Merry Go Round. It was really fun and exciting HAHA. We looked as though we are deprived of childhood lol. It was just nice for 6 people, 4 cycles. We played and played just like kids haha. We chatted until 11 plus and then went home. It was quite worrying as the last bus would reach at abt 1149 and it was already 1140. Zx boarded her bus leaving hq, germ, kah and me at the bus stop. It was very sweet of the 3 of them to wait for my last bus with me even when their bus arrived earlier. Although it might seem as a trivial matter but I was really touched and happy about it haha. Thanks gals x) That's all~ 2 more days and my parents will be back from China ^^ with lots of presents (this is why I cant wait for them to return heh). 2 more days and it marks the end of march holidays which means lesser chances to meet up with those JCians again haiz Let's wait for June holidays to come hehe x) but i only have 2 weeks of holidays T_T. Anyway, it is sleeping time, byes xP *zoom off*

Sunday, March 11, 2007 @ 3:54 AM

haiz haiz haiz...typed a whole chunk of wrds den pressed wrgly and everiting is gone, damn pissed!! NVM! type again..dis is part of life too haha..here it goes~
it has been 4 daes since i last blog-ed and time really FLIES coz march holidaes is a few hrs away which means my parents are leaving soon. they are gng to China for "honeymoon", leaving 3 of us in sg T.T...dey promised us tat dey wul bring us overseas during dis holidae wk BUT oni for the 2 of dem haiz...before my bro was born, dey hav alwaes been travelling during the CNY period. recalled back, my CNY(s) were quite lonely lol. NVM! dis time i get to exchange conditions by force thou *evil grin* HAHA..my mum promised to pay for DBSK concert(if dey coming to sg) tix and to bring us along a few yrs ltr when my bro is older to Korea x)so im quite happie hehe =)

toking abt the march holidaes, mon dere wul b a KBOX outing wif 4i peeps!! im really anticipating it coz it has been a long time since all of us last met..mayb dis time oso nt whole of the class gng but majority is gng so it gonna be fun!! all JCians are "on leave" which means we can get to organise more outings!!

todae me n kn went to viv's hse to prevent rotting at hm x)..i tried to plae sims2 seasons and it was really fun and cool(when the game doesnt lag). kn is still unable to rid the fear of dogs *poor charkles*. anw i did a hi5 wif charky, he is so dam cute x). kn spent most of her time fixing viv's 1000 pieces jigsaw puzzle and we realised she is a PRO!! we almost tot tat she is abnormal xPwheneva she picked up a piece of jigsaw, in a few seconds she can find the rite place for it..isnt she SUPERB? haha...



anw TODAE was the HIGHEST dae!! everiting started after viv and i drank a cup of 16% alcoholic drink each. we started luffing and luffing for no reasons =x kn was the witness cum victim of our madness *sry kah* haha, viv played some songs while kn n i sang dem. i almost ruin every song wif my "non-stop" laughter, viv made alot of mistakes too coz she wasalso nt in her rite mind lol. i tink kn was only the sober one haha. she can still play wif the jigsaw when both of us are kee siao-ing *pei fu*. i was stupid enuff to accidentally hit my head against viv's guitar when i was crawling back to her bed *her bed is as comfortable as usual but the air-con was too hiong*. i recorded down our conv(s) and singing(s) and realised it was a complete disasterwhen i playback e files ltr. budden it was really an interesting and unpredictable dae x)

we arent in our rite mind le

saw whu? whu's nt in e pic xP

yay the 3 of us

last entry i mentioned abt meeting viv n kn...here are some of e pics~~ each of us advertising diff stuffs x)

sims2 seasons expansion pack ^^

sims2 seasons towel(free gift)

the lv cha (kn's bottle)

shall end here le. nites!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007 @ 2:45 AM

HEYS! created a new blog since nth better to do at hm x). 1st entry of the day and it is veri veri late now so im not gng to type much . later meeting vivien and kahneng in the afternoon to chat haha really looking forward to it. think got alot to talk about x). Poly mid april then start school, it's like 1 more month to go. really gonna 4get the feeling of attending lessons and dng hmwk. haiz so SAD lol. found a nice dbsk blogskin but went to change the pic coz it is not woohoo enuff xD. this blog got some dbsk songs , feel free to listen to ALL if not you might regret it x) not joking worh haha.

4th and 5th of march went fishing with viv, my dad and 3 uncles ranging from 50 plus to 70 plus yrs old. It was a really fun experience. Viv saed we were like kampong kids, like "yu shi ge jue" haha. Saw many fireworks too. But then it was quite scary when i saw a sea snake gliding on the floor and thru our stuffs, it was abt 1am plus when everione was aslp other then mi who just woke up ready to go fish again. i tried to wake my dad up but then he was like "uh.. orh" and then went back to slp again. Viv also gave mi the same reaction zzz haiz heng the snake "went off" later if not i gonna stone for the night haha. Caught 2 full boxes of fishes during the trip, can eat fish until crazy le haha. Viv has learned howta fish but then she still dont dare to grab the fishes HAHA. Jia you ba viv ^^. That's all, gd nitez!