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♥ Sunday, March 11, 2007 @ 3:54 AM
haiz haiz haiz...typed a whole chunk of wrds den pressed wrgly and everiting is gone, damn pissed!! NVM! type again..dis is part of life too haha..here it goes~
it has been 4 daes since i last blog-ed and time really FLIES coz march holidaes is a few hrs away which means my parents are leaving soon. they are gng to China for "honeymoon", leaving 3 of us in sg T.T...dey promised us tat dey wul bring us overseas during dis holidae wk BUT oni for the 2 of dem haiz...before my bro was born, dey hav alwaes been travelling during the CNY period. recalled back, my CNY(s) were quite lonely lol. NVM! dis time i get to exchange conditions by force thou *evil grin* HAHA..my mum promised to pay for DBSK concert(if dey coming to sg) tix and to bring us along a few yrs ltr when my bro is older to Korea x)so im quite happie hehe =)
toking abt the march holidaes, mon dere wul b a KBOX outing wif 4i peeps!! im really anticipating it coz it has been a long time since all of us last met..mayb dis time oso nt whole of the class gng but majority is gng so it gonna be fun!! all JCians are "on leave" which means we can get to organise more outings!!
todae me n kn went to viv's hse to prevent rotting at hm x)..i tried to plae sims2 seasons and it was really fun and cool(when the game doesnt lag). kn is still unable to rid the fear of dogs *poor charkles*. anw i did a hi5 wif charky, he is so dam cute x). kn spent most of her time fixing viv's 1000 pieces jigsaw puzzle and we realised she is a PRO!! we almost tot tat she is abnormal xPwheneva she picked up a piece of jigsaw, in a few seconds she can find the rite place for it..isnt she SUPERB? haha...
after anw TODAE was the HIGHEST dae!! everiting started after viv and i drank a cup of 16% alcoholic drink each. we started luffing and luffing for no reasons =x kn was the witness cum victim of our madness *sry kah* haha, viv played some songs while kn n i sang dem. i almost ruin every song wif my "non-stop" laughter, viv made alot of mistakes too coz she wasalso nt in her rite mind lol. i tink kn was only the sober one haha. she can still play wif the jigsaw when both of us are kee siao-ing *pei fu*. i was stupid enuff to accidentally hit my head against viv's guitar when i was crawling back to her bed *her bed is as comfortable as usual but the air-con was too hiong*. i recorded down our conv(s) and singing(s) and realised it was a complete disasterwhen i playback e files ltr. budden it was really an interesting and unpredictable dae x) we arent in our rite mind le
saw whu? whu's nt in e pic xP yay the 3 of us
last entry i mentioned abt meeting viv n kn...here are some of e pics~~ each of us advertising diff stuffs x) sims2 seasons expansion pack ^^
sims2 seasons towel(free gift)
the lv cha (kn's bottle)
shall end here le. nites!

♥ The Webmistress
Anything about you goes here. :D
♥ Sunday, March 11, 2007 @ 3:54 AM
haiz haiz haiz...typed a whole chunk of wrds den pressed wrgly and everiting is gone, damn pissed!! NVM! type again..dis is part of life too haha..here it goes~
it has been 4 daes since i last blog-ed and time really FLIES coz march holidaes is a few hrs away which means my parents are leaving soon. they are gng to China for "honeymoon", leaving 3 of us in sg T.T...dey promised us tat dey wul bring us overseas during dis holidae wk BUT oni for the 2 of dem haiz...before my bro was born, dey hav alwaes been travelling during the CNY period. recalled back, my CNY(s) were quite lonely lol. NVM! dis time i get to exchange conditions by force thou *evil grin* HAHA..my mum promised to pay for DBSK concert(if dey coming to sg) tix and to bring us along a few yrs ltr when my bro is older to Korea x)so im quite happie hehe =)
toking abt the march holidaes, mon dere wul b a KBOX outing wif 4i peeps!! im really anticipating it coz it has been a long time since all of us last met..mayb dis time oso nt whole of the class gng but majority is gng so it gonna be fun!! all JCians are "on leave" which means we can get to organise more outings!!
todae me n kn went to viv's hse to prevent rotting at hm x)..i tried to plae sims2 seasons and it was really fun and cool(when the game doesnt lag). kn is still unable to rid the fear of dogs *poor charkles*. anw i did a hi5 wif charky, he is so dam cute x). kn spent most of her time fixing viv's 1000 pieces jigsaw puzzle and we realised she is a PRO!! we almost tot tat she is abnormal xPwheneva she picked up a piece of jigsaw, in a few seconds she can find the rite place for it..isnt she SUPERB? haha...
after anw TODAE was the HIGHEST dae!! everiting started after viv and i drank a cup of 16% alcoholic drink each. we started luffing and luffing for no reasons =x kn was the witness cum victim of our madness *sry kah* haha, viv played some songs while kn n i sang dem. i almost ruin every song wif my "non-stop" laughter, viv made alot of mistakes too coz she wasalso nt in her rite mind lol. i tink kn was only the sober one haha. she can still play wif the jigsaw when both of us are kee siao-ing *pei fu*. i was stupid enuff to accidentally hit my head against viv's guitar when i was crawling back to her bed *her bed is as comfortable as usual but the air-con was too hiong*. i recorded down our conv(s) and singing(s) and realised it was a complete disasterwhen i playback e files ltr. budden it was really an interesting and unpredictable dae x) we arent in our rite mind le
saw whu? whu's nt in e pic xP yay the 3 of us
last entry i mentioned abt meeting viv n kn...here are some of e pics~~ each of us advertising diff stuffs x) sims2 seasons expansion pack ^^
sims2 seasons towel(free gift)
the lv cha (kn's bottle)
shall end here le. nites!

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