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♥ 2009 has been quite happening till now x))...1. Cl...
♥ New year new wishes :1. Twilight DVD2. New DVD pla...
♥ Today my dearest com finally regained it's sound. ...
♥ 051008, sunday: Went fishing at pulau sibu in Msia...
♥ Finally dbsk is back with their 4th korean album~!...
♥ '1st' offical day of attachment was very interesti...
♥ 120908 friday:Went party world with jierou and san...
♥ 080908 ytd went to watch "Hana Yori Dango" movie w...
♥ Back from GENTING ytd~Finally able to on9 to blog ...
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♥ Sunday, April 29, 2007 @ 12:55 AM
Today? 28th april, went to sentosa with quite a number of HS seniors (mainly GLs) and a few freshies. I thought many people from jaguar will go la but in the end only got 5 of us lol. Got 2 person pangseh us =@. CPR! you uh zzz shall settle with you when school opens. Woke up early in the morning at abt 8am, ready to leave my house when CPR smsed to say she not going =.= Then persuading her on the phone while walking towards the bus-stop just to realise I forgot to bring camera, SO went home again. Supposed to meet Shakila at 9.15am at JE MRT platform.But I reached at 9.36am =.= super late.
Our dear Shalini forgot to bring another extra set of clothes and went to buy a pair of $36/9 shorts -.- Met other people at Vivo sentosa station. And when it is time to go in, the stupid card dont LET me through! It was so embarassing and apparently my face turned so red cause of that. Esmond and Jasmine were laughing so "happily" at my "DIU LIAN" encounter. Thanks uh muahaha. Then we chatted all the way in the train x).
5 Jaguar babies -.-
We went to Siloso beach. Cycled for the first hour which already caused ALOT of injuries to me and Jasmine. Jasmine fell down her bike infront of me (down a slope)and I followed suit -.- Backache worsened sia. Think the "slipped disc" really slipped out =x. Saw a peacock and "si jiao she" =S. After that we joined the group of seniors who were playing"monkey game" in the sea. It was very fun haha. The seniors were like "ahhh~ cant reach the ball~~" while flapping the water to sabotage one another to become one of the monkey x). INTERESTING.
The beach~
S hole xP
We tried to bury Shakila's lower limbs and made it look like a mermaid's tail.Esmond was making alot of sound effect when he was handling the sand =x. Shalini refused to let anyone touch her "sensitive" sand castles? HAHA but in the end they were all destroyed by evil Esmond. Shakila and I went to the sea to chit chat too. There are ALOT of seaweeds in the sea, looks like some kind of hair or what shit. Saw this group of people who were playing volleyball. They played VERY WELL. Other than COOL, it is still COOL. We went to take photos with "ang moh" kids cause they very cute haha and there was this boy when Jasmine asked if can take picture with him, he actually feared and ran away. After bathing, I realised my face become really very red. "Like tomato" uh -.- Saw a BIG golden retriever, small chitzu? and maltese. Took a photo with Oscar -.- and bought it at $10 =.-Went back to Vivo to eat our dinner at about 9 plus pm zzzz. On the way back, the STUPID card cant work again. At that time I was actually very pissed off already cause I was talking to my mum on the phone and that stupid thing cant work. AND AND there was this man who thought that he is very pr0 said that the card im using is inappropriate, only the blue card (mine is green) can be used. My mum was also like "why you talk to me and your friends at the same time" (in a pissed tone). Wth I was "talking" to the machine LA. One of the seniors was like scolding that man (using vulgarity) behind his back. But then I feel "shuang" about that wahaha. After dinner we all bidded goodbye -.- Travel all the way home =x in a super tired mode.
Before After =xReached home, being rushed to upload pictures, and then burn vcd and blog -.- SUPER DUPER TIRED now! Tomorrow still need to wake up early for Korean lesson!!! Not ENOUGH sleep~~~ haha. Outing is VERY fun. 4idoLs lets go also~~~
Last Friday had my NSL quiz and I scored 8/10 haha. Learned how to turn the patient in different positions and also ambulation (assist in walking). Collected my Ez-link card already x) It is....UGLY haha.
hees :)
TIRED, need sleep, BYES!

♥ Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 5:18 PM
Today I learned how to MAKE BED!! without and with the patient on the bed :) Got hotel style and normal hospital style lol. Our mentor told us some of her different experiences which have left deep impressions on her. Those cases which patients are involved are quite sad ones but there are some ghostly experiences which really sent chill to the spine HAHA hmm should say vertebral column instead =x.
As for AAP, I learned all the bones in our body ^^ muahaha, the different movements, joints and medical terms for all those. Hmm the skull is COOL lol. Went to purchase the nursing uniform today. BUT only can collect it 3 weeks later lol. Stupid sia, paid already but cant take the goods xP.

Freaky skull o.O Heard that the O'level certificates are ready. Wonder if 4idoLs can go back as a class to collect the certs. It has become an impossible task to actually meet everyone, some sure will not turn up T.T haix we seem to be drifting apart~~ except for SOME of us. Vivien, I miss you sia lol. Miss the days when we rot together =.= *with charkles*. Even when we are in the same school we never met each other -.- BIG school uh =s.
When will be the next 4i gathering? I miss "MINNA"!!!!! "barimannayo"!!!!
"the act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery"

♥ Monday, April 23, 2007 @ 8:59 PM
Went to school as usual duh and the bus was unexpectedly packed with people. First time I had to stand all the way to school -.- my bustop is only 2 stops away from the interchange. Met up with Viv today to pass her her Chao Siew Bao lol. She really looks like a professor now with her specs always on. ^^
I learned how to lift a patient correctly and the different methods practised during NSL. As for AAP, I learned ALOT from it and it really made me realise that our body is formed in such an extraordinary and interesting way. There are actually 33/34 bones in our vertebral cloumn aka spine. The protruding bone behind our neck is called the cervical vertebra number 7 lol. The cartilages ensure that whenever we breathe in, our ribs will not fracture. There are actually 2 pairs of floating ribs, 8 short bones at our wrist and bla bla.
Today is the first day of Korean Cultural Club cca. Most of the people joined cause of their beloved korean idols lol. The teacher mentioned DBSK first sia lol, many were like cheering haha. Saw a girl's laptop wallpaper, guess what it is DBSK muahaha. Cool sia. I made friend with the girl sitting beside me and she is actually a KOREAN woohaha. Chatted alot with her sia, her english is good~ And she love DBSK too! haha but the one she like most is Jaejoong lol. She looks quite sweet x) Had a really fun day hees. My dad bought a new 3G phone, but it is not for me T.T HAHA. Sprained my back during NSL sia =.= stupid lol.
"People dont get along because they fear each other. People fear each other because they dont know each other. They dont know each other because they have not properly communicated with each other."

♥ @ 12:08 AM
School has been quite fun for me sia cause I get to learn what I am interested in and the people I get to know are good people -.-
20th April: Sticky fives went to the library and Jasmine was like "take more photos~". She likes to take photos alot sia lol x). We get to watch movie in the library ^^ and we also bought each-a-cup from the cafe inside. The pearls were super hard =.= sweetalk is way better.

Yay!! NsL! After school, I rushed to island creamery to meet 4i peeps. BUT stupid la i never went there before and I was like walking the opposite direction. Luckily Kah came out to "fetch" me. Really happy to you guys again muahaha. We have not met one another for sooo long. But some of them had to go off early. Haix the gathering was not as "siao" as last time but it was fun still. Some really long time never met sia, like bel bel, steffi, shien, jx, weiwen, sherman and cheng. Went to KAP mac to eat later. We chatted all the way! lol
Took the same bus home with zx, viv and jx. Stupid Jx lame-d throughout. Viv looked funny when she persisted on "hugging" her laptop instead of grabbing something else when the bus braked suddenly. She also gave that "help me!" look HAHA. When Jx and I alighted the bus, we "challenged" to see who will reach home first (at normal pace) cause we kept on arguing about whose route is shorter. In the end, I "won" lol.

Watch out! We are 4idoLs!!
21th April: Went to school early in the morning to attend Mentoring Club Handing Over Ceremony. The performance put up was erm quite like a musical =.= After that went to Safra to bowl lol cause I have been pestering people to bowl and some of them decided to bowl with me to end their misery? HAHA Bowl until my thumb bleed sia =.= internal bleeding somemore zzz. My forearm feels so painful now lol. We took alot of stupid photos thanks to Jasmine again -.-  Bowl~~
Went home at about 4 plus pm but went out to have dinner with my family later. It was to celebrate my Mum's birthday which is on this coming Wednesday. It was only then then I know my brother can walk abit by himself. It was very heart-warming sia when he walked from my maid and towards me without any support. He just slowly make his way here. Wahhhh I think you all can only understand when you all have your own child. 22th April: Went for korean lesson in the morning. But it was cancelled -.- (again) so we went to kbox instead lol. This time round all of us not high sia but still ok la. The room opposite us chose alot of local and old songs. Angelina was like "lets choose some tai2 ge1 too". Then near the end we were like singing all the old songs like "liu xing yu", "wo nan guo", bla bla. Met JJ when we were on our way to the Mrt station. They met up to mug =.= haha. Good x) At night, went out with family again xD Happy Happy. Time to sleep~~byes! 
What do you see?
"Communication is transactional"

♥ Wednesday, April 18, 2007 @ 4:29 PM
It has been 3 days since school started. Yesterday was lectures all the way and of course it became very cold. MIC (microbiology and infection control)was interesting but the lecturer make the whole lecture sounds like a bedtime story x). Physcology lecture was very very fun. Dr Thomas was so lame throughout the lecture, like him alot ^^. We also have a module called "fundamental of nursing" whereby we study the history and current issues about nursing lol. It was only yesterday that i found out that i hav clinical attachment in JUNE. So damn fast la, at first i thought was sept la. Haix by the time my vacation starts, school holidays for the JCians, Sec-ians and Pri-ans -.- already ended. Sad. Cant go overseas with family sia T.T.

After school x) See the thickness of the book? =x
Today school started at 8am and ended at 1pm x). After that Shakila, CPR, Jasmine, Yukling and I went to the CCA fiesta to sign up for CCA cause yesterday then i know today is the last day for signing up. Wanted to join bowling so much but there are going to be 2 trainings per week and we need to pay 10 bucks or more per training. Tough sia as in no time lol. SO i went to join KOREAN CULTURAL CLUB and Mentoring club. Woohoo~~ the seniors at the booth were playing DBSK song la muahahaha!! Kah and Germ, guess what is the song? Hint: Germ used to like it very very much xD Hint hint: Kah you set as your blog's bg music last time. The korean club will teach us how to cook spicy food like kimchi!!! There will be korean dramas played, we will be taught how to read, write and speak korean, anddddd how to wear a traditional korean costume (dont know what is it called). Hope i can meet DBSK fans there muahahaha!!!! The mentoring club is like tutor primary school kids and we will be given alot of cca points sia. Minimum 4 tutions per semester to get a CCA point. There was this Japanese Tsubasa Club where there are 2 different divisions, one is the anime division and another one is the J-pop division. I wanted to join that too but then nobody accompany me haha. The anime division is like during each CCA day, we will get to watch animes. Watch all the way sia. Then done lol. Quite lame actually haha. But then still more to it, all in all it is quite cool la. Also went to collect the freshies goodie bag. 
goodie bag x)
Tomorrow release at 2pm sia woohoo~~~ Thursday is the slackest day of all. Only 4 hours of lessons x). Today i learned how to wear a mask, gloves and the surgerical gown. COOL man, we all look like pr0s haha. Learned alot about the body structure too. The windpipe is actually called Trachea. woohoo~~~ chim chim and CHIM hees. Lots to learn and understand sia. Hope i get posted to KK hospital in june x) But then they say will post us to the nearest hospital or polyclinic. So maybe NUH or CCK polyclinic? lol. I dont mind polyclinic cause there will also be babies around muahahaha. FRI, where are you!!!! I cant wait to meet 4idoLs sia. I feel like gossiping with you all like what we did in the past. Haix...
"love thy neighbour as thy self"

♥ Monday, April 16, 2007 @ 8:09 PM
Today~~First day of school was really fun for me x) Met up with Viv in the morning abt 8am cause we wanted to have breakfast together and she wanted to buy her labcoat at CO-OP. But it only opens at 8.30am. SO we decided to buy our notes but we spent like 30mins walking around to find the block sia cause we thought that is a shortcut to there and we didnt want to climb the stupid slope. Next time better climb it zzz. I was really happy that I also met up with most of the jaguars o.0 for lectures and MIC prac xD For nursing skills, I learned how to wash my hands CORRECTLY haha. There are 7 steps in total. Shocked uh. Wash hands also need so many procedures man lol. My class only has 14 people lol, 2 males ONLY haha. My classmates are quite fun sia lol and some of them are actually borned in 1989. Im sort of the youngest HAHA.
During AAP(anatomy and physciology) lecture, I learned those profound/nurses terms for some body parts. For example, we cant say collar bone we must say Clavicle instead. lol CHIM sia =x.
Now im starting to like going to school alot. Poor Viv just ended her Jap lesson at 8pm =.=. Tomorrow school starts at 11am x) Get to sleep late woohoo~~~
Miss 4idols sia. Wonder if friday can rush there after school or not. Release at 6pm on Mon(odd wks), Tues and Fri zzz. Peak hours somemore lol, that area sure jam T.T. DBSK gang!!!! Long time no see also sob =(

♥ Sunday, April 15, 2007 @ 2:19 AM
Orientation camp was finally over. Somehow I feel quite sad about it cause the camp was really FUN and INTERESTING. The first day of camp my group was like very dead and got attacked by other groups. It was so-so on the first day. But there was this scary station in the amazing race where we need to squat and hop up stairs and cheer at the same time =.=. The path is called NP orchard road lol.
Everyone got so high on the 2nd day and the station games were really superb cause it was so so so so so so so DIRTY, so much dirtier than the games during JJC camp. The first dirty game was to search for scrabbles tiles in a pool of water with mee, starch, cardboards, balloons in it. It was really very oily. Followed by some water bomb game and then a game called "Egg crawler". One was to compete with the opponent by army crawling on a mat and snatch an egg at the end point. Who snatches it first will get to smash it on his opponent. There was this mixture of oil! butter! oyster sauce! egg! starch on the mat. Eeww lol. No doubt it was a challenging experience x) Then there was this twister game with kaya, butter, peanut butter, ketchup, chilli sauce and bla bla. And im so suay to be the last one to be called and do the obstacles race. The gm asked two of us to "swim" across the mat =.= fun uh HAHA. There were many more games x).
We are not supposed to sleep on the 2nd night cause there were programmes planned for us. After dinner was the performance put up by each and every groups. My group "JAGUAR!!!!" performed a skit where the fairy tales were twisted here and there lol. Example like Cinderlala having big foot, Snow white not being white, Rapunzel having short hair and three little pigs eating the cooked wolf. It was very funny and fun xD. Thanks to Rachael Esmond (Gls), Amy, Cheryl, CP(ei)R(u) xD, Jasmine, Meidan, Nages, Shakila, Shalini, Yukling, Xiangjing, Amir and Lukman. You guys are great!! But then o.75 idols still the greatest muahaha.
After that was the movie treat. We watched Willard, some Thai horror movie and Devil wears prada. Then it was the night walk at about 5am =.=. It was then then i knew that day was black friday. The walk was not scary cause we were like quite sleepy and couldnt react fast enough lol. My partner is scared of cockroaches =.= and he is a GUY zzzz.
The last day of camp we had telematches among schools in NP. Around evening was the prize presentation within school of health sciences, nursing. Jaguar clinched the 1ST HAHA. Lucky sia, I thought that we will not receive anything T.T. When i reached home, I slept from 8pm to 8am the next day. pr0 uh. Too tired le.
And after that i bathed and went straight to Cdans to watch the guys play in the rv alumni bowling competition. They won the 3rd prize. Grats man!!!! woohoo~~~ x) Although to them the results were disappointing but i see that they really tried alot under that intense situation? haha Try again next year and at that point of time 1st may be theirs x).
My brother was having a fever haix hopes he gets well soon!!!!!!!!!!!! May god bless him~~~

♥ Tuesday, April 10, 2007 @ 8:25 PM
First official day in NP was quite sianded =.= One of the friends i made was actually a bimbo =.= phiang eh buay tahan. She kept on flirting with a senior and the senior was like flirting back and he was like asking for her number. Wa kao what is the world happening. It sucks. Haix tommorrow is the orientation but right now i dont feel like going anymore. I just feel so sian and wish that i could just rot and dont do anything. But since i paid for it, i should go. Maybe can mix around more and enjoy myself at the camp. I wish. Just hope that everything will turn for the better if not life will be very miserable for me.
My parents told me that yesterday the news was reporting that in 10 yrs time the sea level is going to increase by 30m. By that time i think sg will be so flooded. How i wish that day will come soon. Life has been so boring even those happy memories or moments arent making it less boring. Why we even exist in the first place. To meet people you are fated to meet or what. It is stupid not to know why we exist and doing the same things over and over again. Yeah, this is life, that is what most of us will say. Sometimes i wonder why i feel like im me. Why cant someone just take my place and i just disappear. Haix just let everything ends soon.

♥ Monday, April 9, 2007 @ 11:34 PM
Wahhh, im feeling damn nervous now cause school is "starting" tomorrow. Heng i chatted with some friends on msn which sort of help reduced my nervousness haha. Really hope that can make new friends if not i think my life in NP will be miserable lol. It will be mUg and Mug, no LIFE lol. I just saw my timetable and it is like SHIT lol. Earliest dismissal is at 1pm la. Fortunate viv doesnt have school on wednesday RAWR haha. Latest dismissal is at 6pm oMg T.T but one gladful thing about it is that school starts late everyday except WED!!! 8am sobsob. The longest break i have got is only 2hrs -.- and viv got 4hrs!!! phiang eh lol. Went to buy clothes for school today. Haiz no more school uniform =x im not "suaning" those who still need to wear uniforms but it is actually quite troublesome to actually not have to wear them. Why my orientation camp is overnight again =x I dont like the experience of sleeping in school cause it is WEIRD lol. Clothes turn smelly for being kept in plastic bags for so long T.T
7th april:
Supposed to have sushi with viv, kn and sc. But kn cant go so we cancelled it and sort of postponed to next week. So decided to rot at home but viv called in the afternoon to ask if want to go her house to make card and also play bridge since will is also going, we asked zx along too x). 3 of us went to Lot 1 to search for materials and also to buy present. We bought 2 cutie stuffs xD. We arrived at Viv's house later and Charkles was like pouncing? on zx lol. Zx claimed that she dont like Charkles cause he always bark and is very loud lol. Poor Charkles. Viv and I was teaching zx how to play bridge since will will be late cause he was like waiting for the rain to stop or become smaller as he didnt want to bring a "brolly" with him. The reason is cause he doesnt have the habit of bringing one. -.- When he came, it was time for the real bridge muahahaha. Zx was like opposing her partner unknowingly lol. All in all it was quite fun cause we didnt know our partners for most of the games and we played until the last card.
Zx need to go off early so Viv and I played 2persons bridge since glen is not coming over and there was not enough "leg". I rushed off to bp plaza to meet my family later. AnD i realised i forgot to collect money from will for the posters -.- but he was pro-er than me, he actually forgot to bring home the posters =.= My brother was so happy to see me there and when i carried him he was like lying his head on my shoulder and tapping me haha so cute rite wahahaha. Bought a new pair of shoes for school =)
8th april:
Morning went for Korean lesson. Went to sweep tomb again in the afternoon. This time is maternal side. It was raining and we had to climb those muddy "shit" up the hill. My leg turned brown-black =.= eeww lol. Everyone was like slipping here and there =x When i was climbing, my pants actually tore -.- so "suay" zzz. When we went to another cemetry, the string attached to my brella actually broke =.= zzz. More "suay" things to come~~ At night, my brother climbed on the treadmill and sat in a way that he might fall anytime. So i rushed to him but i fell down instead by tripping over the chair =.- haiz suay suay suay lol
Today the suayest thing that happened is that my fringe is being cut so damn short. Like a kid uh. Im going to school with this childish look, phiang eh =@ My parents la, they were like telling the hairdresser "shorter shorter shorter". KNS i then "dao" them until we reached home and i went to sleep cause i buay tahan of my fringe. hmph!!!!! May any god bless me that i can make alot of new friends tomorrow x) (and my fringe to grow faster argh).

♥ Friday, April 6, 2007 @ 11:17 PM
Shit-est day ever. So shitty that I prayed for early death when I was "bai-ing" a dont know what buddha. When I saw the countless tombs in the cemetry I was thinking that there were actually so many coffins below the ground. There were tombs that were left aside and there were either overgrown weeds or barren grounds. I feel so sad for them. Sometimes I really wonder when a person dies, will his or her whoever feel really sad, and will there actually be someone who is overjoyed about it. No matter how close the person is to you, as time goes by, he still might be forgotton. Tomb-sweeping festival no longer seems to be a period where people remember their loves ones who have passed away but a day for families gathering, what makes me really annoyed is that some people can actually crack jokes and make fun of the dead ones, maybe they are just joking but then shouldnt they at least respect them? Even some of the adults did that. Shit them.

♥ Sunday, April 1, 2007 @ 12:48 AM
30th march:
R O T x) Actually was playing Final Fantasy VIII the whole day hehe.
31th march:
woohoo~ last day of march xD. Woke up at 9am to prepare for Korean lesson. I was all ready at 9.30am and was just about to leave my house when Kah called me to say that Angelina has ventures today and to ask me about stanford's number. I got really irritated when I couldnt find that STUPID namecard. Everything was not settled and I waited until 9.50am when Kah called again to tell me that we just go for lesson cause we were not sure about if there is lesson today. So I left my house straightaway cause I'll be very late if I didnt do so. But before I could leave my house my brother was crying like mad T.T cause he thought that I was going "gai gai" and sort of abandon him =.= I was so guilty when I saw him cry until so pitiful sia. Haix bad sis =(
Then I quickly rushed to the bus-stop, realising that I did not bring my korean NOTES ALONG!! WTH. *pissed rating HIGH* Aboard the bus later and realised I also FORGOT to bring my water bottle, umbrella and shen chen's cd!!!!!!!! WTfish =@. "The teacher will arrive half an hour later" cause there shouldnt be any lesson today. zzz LAme. Angelina was so pissed off and all the while she was giving out a terrifying aura until I said something whereby the word "PRC" came out and she started to laugh. Phew. After Korean and lunch, Kah, angelina and I went to the comics connection in JP to look for DBSK stuffs since today is the last day of the promotion. But in the end we off-tracked and were looking at anime stuffs.
Kah and I then went to a few comics connection to search but we just couldnt find dbsk stuffs that we wanted to buy. *pissed rating medium* But we found some COOL Bleach posters, really cool!!! One of them only left 2 pieces both of us managed to buy it cool uh. The worker said there wont be stocks of posters of the same kind coming in cause when the new stocks come, it will be new designs x). Im super happy with That poster cause there are cool guys on it. "Byakuya, Uruhara, Renji and Ichigo (R and I are almost half naked lol). I also bought a byakuya hp strap, it is cute x)

Cute little byakuya x) Reached home at about 8pm, ate my dinner and then went out to bp plaza with my family. We were shopping for groceries until about 9pm when I started to realise that I need to go to the comics connection in bp plaza. I rushed there to see quite a few number of people coming out and then the worker was pulling the fence? whatever down. SHOCKED man, I missed it!!! sianded. So I went down to meet my family but when I reached the 2nd storey, the FENCE was OPENED AGAIN!!!!!!!! EGG CAKE LA...I was super duper pissed. What a F***ing UnluCky DaY argh!!!!!!!!
Anyway today is the 1st day of April x) and I managed to fool my parents and some friends ^^ muahahaha. Woohoo~~ it will be a GREAT day hees.

♥ The Webmistress
Anything about you goes here. :D
♥ Sunday, April 29, 2007 @ 12:55 AM
Today? 28th april, went to sentosa with quite a number of HS seniors (mainly GLs) and a few freshies. I thought many people from jaguar will go la but in the end only got 5 of us lol. Got 2 person pangseh us =@. CPR! you uh zzz shall settle with you when school opens. Woke up early in the morning at abt 8am, ready to leave my house when CPR smsed to say she not going =.= Then persuading her on the phone while walking towards the bus-stop just to realise I forgot to bring camera, SO went home again. Supposed to meet Shakila at 9.15am at JE MRT platform.But I reached at 9.36am =.= super late.
Our dear Shalini forgot to bring another extra set of clothes and went to buy a pair of $36/9 shorts -.- Met other people at Vivo sentosa station. And when it is time to go in, the stupid card dont LET me through! It was so embarassing and apparently my face turned so red cause of that. Esmond and Jasmine were laughing so "happily" at my "DIU LIAN" encounter. Thanks uh muahaha. Then we chatted all the way in the train x).
5 Jaguar babies -.-
We went to Siloso beach. Cycled for the first hour which already caused ALOT of injuries to me and Jasmine. Jasmine fell down her bike infront of me (down a slope)and I followed suit -.- Backache worsened sia. Think the "slipped disc" really slipped out =x. Saw a peacock and "si jiao she" =S. After that we joined the group of seniors who were playing"monkey game" in the sea. It was very fun haha. The seniors were like "ahhh~ cant reach the ball~~" while flapping the water to sabotage one another to become one of the monkey x). INTERESTING.
The beach~
S hole xP
We tried to bury Shakila's lower limbs and made it look like a mermaid's tail.Esmond was making alot of sound effect when he was handling the sand =x. Shalini refused to let anyone touch her "sensitive" sand castles? HAHA but in the end they were all destroyed by evil Esmond. Shakila and I went to the sea to chit chat too. There are ALOT of seaweeds in the sea, looks like some kind of hair or what shit. Saw this group of people who were playing volleyball. They played VERY WELL. Other than COOL, it is still COOL. We went to take photos with "ang moh" kids cause they very cute haha and there was this boy when Jasmine asked if can take picture with him, he actually feared and ran away. After bathing, I realised my face become really very red. "Like tomato" uh -.- Saw a BIG golden retriever, small chitzu? and maltese. Took a photo with Oscar -.- and bought it at $10 =.-Went back to Vivo to eat our dinner at about 9 plus pm zzzz. On the way back, the STUPID card cant work again. At that time I was actually very pissed off already cause I was talking to my mum on the phone and that stupid thing cant work. AND AND there was this man who thought that he is very pr0 said that the card im using is inappropriate, only the blue card (mine is green) can be used. My mum was also like "why you talk to me and your friends at the same time" (in a pissed tone). Wth I was "talking" to the machine LA. One of the seniors was like scolding that man (using vulgarity) behind his back. But then I feel "shuang" about that wahaha. After dinner we all bidded goodbye -.- Travel all the way home =x in a super tired mode.
Before After =xReached home, being rushed to upload pictures, and then burn vcd and blog -.- SUPER DUPER TIRED now! Tomorrow still need to wake up early for Korean lesson!!! Not ENOUGH sleep~~~ haha. Outing is VERY fun. 4idoLs lets go also~~~
Last Friday had my NSL quiz and I scored 8/10 haha. Learned how to turn the patient in different positions and also ambulation (assist in walking). Collected my Ez-link card already x) It is....UGLY haha.
hees :)
TIRED, need sleep, BYES!

♥ Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ 5:18 PM
Today I learned how to MAKE BED!! without and with the patient on the bed :) Got hotel style and normal hospital style lol. Our mentor told us some of her different experiences which have left deep impressions on her. Those cases which patients are involved are quite sad ones but there are some ghostly experiences which really sent chill to the spine HAHA hmm should say vertebral column instead =x.
As for AAP, I learned all the bones in our body ^^ muahaha, the different movements, joints and medical terms for all those. Hmm the skull is COOL lol. Went to purchase the nursing uniform today. BUT only can collect it 3 weeks later lol. Stupid sia, paid already but cant take the goods xP.

Freaky skull o.O Heard that the O'level certificates are ready. Wonder if 4idoLs can go back as a class to collect the certs. It has become an impossible task to actually meet everyone, some sure will not turn up T.T haix we seem to be drifting apart~~ except for SOME of us. Vivien, I miss you sia lol. Miss the days when we rot together =.= *with charkles*. Even when we are in the same school we never met each other -.- BIG school uh =s.
When will be the next 4i gathering? I miss "MINNA"!!!!! "barimannayo"!!!!
"the act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery"

♥ Monday, April 23, 2007 @ 8:59 PM
Went to school as usual duh and the bus was unexpectedly packed with people. First time I had to stand all the way to school -.- my bustop is only 2 stops away from the interchange. Met up with Viv today to pass her her Chao Siew Bao lol. She really looks like a professor now with her specs always on. ^^
I learned how to lift a patient correctly and the different methods practised during NSL. As for AAP, I learned ALOT from it and it really made me realise that our body is formed in such an extraordinary and interesting way. There are actually 33/34 bones in our vertebral cloumn aka spine. The protruding bone behind our neck is called the cervical vertebra number 7 lol. The cartilages ensure that whenever we breathe in, our ribs will not fracture. There are actually 2 pairs of floating ribs, 8 short bones at our wrist and bla bla.
Today is the first day of Korean Cultural Club cca. Most of the people joined cause of their beloved korean idols lol. The teacher mentioned DBSK first sia lol, many were like cheering haha. Saw a girl's laptop wallpaper, guess what it is DBSK muahaha. Cool sia. I made friend with the girl sitting beside me and she is actually a KOREAN woohaha. Chatted alot with her sia, her english is good~ And she love DBSK too! haha but the one she like most is Jaejoong lol. She looks quite sweet x) Had a really fun day hees. My dad bought a new 3G phone, but it is not for me T.T HAHA. Sprained my back during NSL sia =.= stupid lol.
"People dont get along because they fear each other. People fear each other because they dont know each other. They dont know each other because they have not properly communicated with each other."

♥ @ 12:08 AM
School has been quite fun for me sia cause I get to learn what I am interested in and the people I get to know are good people -.-
20th April: Sticky fives went to the library and Jasmine was like "take more photos~". She likes to take photos alot sia lol x). We get to watch movie in the library ^^ and we also bought each-a-cup from the cafe inside. The pearls were super hard =.= sweetalk is way better.

Yay!! NsL! After school, I rushed to island creamery to meet 4i peeps. BUT stupid la i never went there before and I was like walking the opposite direction. Luckily Kah came out to "fetch" me. Really happy to you guys again muahaha. We have not met one another for sooo long. But some of them had to go off early. Haix the gathering was not as "siao" as last time but it was fun still. Some really long time never met sia, like bel bel, steffi, shien, jx, weiwen, sherman and cheng. Went to KAP mac to eat later. We chatted all the way! lol
Took the same bus home with zx, viv and jx. Stupid Jx lame-d throughout. Viv looked funny when she persisted on "hugging" her laptop instead of grabbing something else when the bus braked suddenly. She also gave that "help me!" look HAHA. When Jx and I alighted the bus, we "challenged" to see who will reach home first (at normal pace) cause we kept on arguing about whose route is shorter. In the end, I "won" lol.

Watch out! We are 4idoLs!!
21th April: Went to school early in the morning to attend Mentoring Club Handing Over Ceremony. The performance put up was erm quite like a musical =.= After that went to Safra to bowl lol cause I have been pestering people to bowl and some of them decided to bowl with me to end their misery? HAHA Bowl until my thumb bleed sia =.= internal bleeding somemore zzz. My forearm feels so painful now lol. We took alot of stupid photos thanks to Jasmine again -.-  Bowl~~
Went home at about 4 plus pm but went out to have dinner with my family later. It was to celebrate my Mum's birthday which is on this coming Wednesday. It was only then then I know my brother can walk abit by himself. It was very heart-warming sia when he walked from my maid and towards me without any support. He just slowly make his way here. Wahhhh I think you all can only understand when you all have your own child. 22th April: Went for korean lesson in the morning. But it was cancelled -.- (again) so we went to kbox instead lol. This time round all of us not high sia but still ok la. The room opposite us chose alot of local and old songs. Angelina was like "lets choose some tai2 ge1 too". Then near the end we were like singing all the old songs like "liu xing yu", "wo nan guo", bla bla. Met JJ when we were on our way to the Mrt station. They met up to mug =.= haha. Good x) At night, went out with family again xD Happy Happy. Time to sleep~~byes! 
What do you see?
"Communication is transactional"

♥ Wednesday, April 18, 2007 @ 4:29 PM
It has been 3 days since school started. Yesterday was lectures all the way and of course it became very cold. MIC (microbiology and infection control)was interesting but the lecturer make the whole lecture sounds like a bedtime story x). Physcology lecture was very very fun. Dr Thomas was so lame throughout the lecture, like him alot ^^. We also have a module called "fundamental of nursing" whereby we study the history and current issues about nursing lol. It was only yesterday that i found out that i hav clinical attachment in JUNE. So damn fast la, at first i thought was sept la. Haix by the time my vacation starts, school holidays for the JCians, Sec-ians and Pri-ans -.- already ended. Sad. Cant go overseas with family sia T.T.

After school x) See the thickness of the book? =x
Today school started at 8am and ended at 1pm x). After that Shakila, CPR, Jasmine, Yukling and I went to the CCA fiesta to sign up for CCA cause yesterday then i know today is the last day for signing up. Wanted to join bowling so much but there are going to be 2 trainings per week and we need to pay 10 bucks or more per training. Tough sia as in no time lol. SO i went to join KOREAN CULTURAL CLUB and Mentoring club. Woohoo~~ the seniors at the booth were playing DBSK song la muahahaha!! Kah and Germ, guess what is the song? Hint: Germ used to like it very very much xD Hint hint: Kah you set as your blog's bg music last time. The korean club will teach us how to cook spicy food like kimchi!!! There will be korean dramas played, we will be taught how to read, write and speak korean, anddddd how to wear a traditional korean costume (dont know what is it called). Hope i can meet DBSK fans there muahahaha!!!! The mentoring club is like tutor primary school kids and we will be given alot of cca points sia. Minimum 4 tutions per semester to get a CCA point. There was this Japanese Tsubasa Club where there are 2 different divisions, one is the anime division and another one is the J-pop division. I wanted to join that too but then nobody accompany me haha. The anime division is like during each CCA day, we will get to watch animes. Watch all the way sia. Then done lol. Quite lame actually haha. But then still more to it, all in all it is quite cool la. Also went to collect the freshies goodie bag. 
goodie bag x)
Tomorrow release at 2pm sia woohoo~~~ Thursday is the slackest day of all. Only 4 hours of lessons x). Today i learned how to wear a mask, gloves and the surgerical gown. COOL man, we all look like pr0s haha. Learned alot about the body structure too. The windpipe is actually called Trachea. woohoo~~~ chim chim and CHIM hees. Lots to learn and understand sia. Hope i get posted to KK hospital in june x) But then they say will post us to the nearest hospital or polyclinic. So maybe NUH or CCK polyclinic? lol. I dont mind polyclinic cause there will also be babies around muahahaha. FRI, where are you!!!! I cant wait to meet 4idoLs sia. I feel like gossiping with you all like what we did in the past. Haix...
"love thy neighbour as thy self"

♥ Monday, April 16, 2007 @ 8:09 PM
Today~~First day of school was really fun for me x) Met up with Viv in the morning abt 8am cause we wanted to have breakfast together and she wanted to buy her labcoat at CO-OP. But it only opens at 8.30am. SO we decided to buy our notes but we spent like 30mins walking around to find the block sia cause we thought that is a shortcut to there and we didnt want to climb the stupid slope. Next time better climb it zzz. I was really happy that I also met up with most of the jaguars o.0 for lectures and MIC prac xD For nursing skills, I learned how to wash my hands CORRECTLY haha. There are 7 steps in total. Shocked uh. Wash hands also need so many procedures man lol. My class only has 14 people lol, 2 males ONLY haha. My classmates are quite fun sia lol and some of them are actually borned in 1989. Im sort of the youngest HAHA.
During AAP(anatomy and physciology) lecture, I learned those profound/nurses terms for some body parts. For example, we cant say collar bone we must say Clavicle instead. lol CHIM sia =x.
Now im starting to like going to school alot. Poor Viv just ended her Jap lesson at 8pm =.=. Tomorrow school starts at 11am x) Get to sleep late woohoo~~~
Miss 4idols sia. Wonder if friday can rush there after school or not. Release at 6pm on Mon(odd wks), Tues and Fri zzz. Peak hours somemore lol, that area sure jam T.T. DBSK gang!!!! Long time no see also sob =(

♥ Sunday, April 15, 2007 @ 2:19 AM
Orientation camp was finally over. Somehow I feel quite sad about it cause the camp was really FUN and INTERESTING. The first day of camp my group was like very dead and got attacked by other groups. It was so-so on the first day. But there was this scary station in the amazing race where we need to squat and hop up stairs and cheer at the same time =.=. The path is called NP orchard road lol.
Everyone got so high on the 2nd day and the station games were really superb cause it was so so so so so so so DIRTY, so much dirtier than the games during JJC camp. The first dirty game was to search for scrabbles tiles in a pool of water with mee, starch, cardboards, balloons in it. It was really very oily. Followed by some water bomb game and then a game called "Egg crawler". One was to compete with the opponent by army crawling on a mat and snatch an egg at the end point. Who snatches it first will get to smash it on his opponent. There was this mixture of oil! butter! oyster sauce! egg! starch on the mat. Eeww lol. No doubt it was a challenging experience x) Then there was this twister game with kaya, butter, peanut butter, ketchup, chilli sauce and bla bla. And im so suay to be the last one to be called and do the obstacles race. The gm asked two of us to "swim" across the mat =.= fun uh HAHA. There were many more games x).
We are not supposed to sleep on the 2nd night cause there were programmes planned for us. After dinner was the performance put up by each and every groups. My group "JAGUAR!!!!" performed a skit where the fairy tales were twisted here and there lol. Example like Cinderlala having big foot, Snow white not being white, Rapunzel having short hair and three little pigs eating the cooked wolf. It was very funny and fun xD. Thanks to Rachael Esmond (Gls), Amy, Cheryl, CP(ei)R(u) xD, Jasmine, Meidan, Nages, Shakila, Shalini, Yukling, Xiangjing, Amir and Lukman. You guys are great!! But then o.75 idols still the greatest muahaha.
After that was the movie treat. We watched Willard, some Thai horror movie and Devil wears prada. Then it was the night walk at about 5am =.=. It was then then i knew that day was black friday. The walk was not scary cause we were like quite sleepy and couldnt react fast enough lol. My partner is scared of cockroaches =.= and he is a GUY zzzz.
The last day of camp we had telematches among schools in NP. Around evening was the prize presentation within school of health sciences, nursing. Jaguar clinched the 1ST HAHA. Lucky sia, I thought that we will not receive anything T.T. When i reached home, I slept from 8pm to 8am the next day. pr0 uh. Too tired le.
And after that i bathed and went straight to Cdans to watch the guys play in the rv alumni bowling competition. They won the 3rd prize. Grats man!!!! woohoo~~~ x) Although to them the results were disappointing but i see that they really tried alot under that intense situation? haha Try again next year and at that point of time 1st may be theirs x).
My brother was having a fever haix hopes he gets well soon!!!!!!!!!!!! May god bless him~~~

♥ Tuesday, April 10, 2007 @ 8:25 PM
First official day in NP was quite sianded =.= One of the friends i made was actually a bimbo =.= phiang eh buay tahan. She kept on flirting with a senior and the senior was like flirting back and he was like asking for her number. Wa kao what is the world happening. It sucks. Haix tommorrow is the orientation but right now i dont feel like going anymore. I just feel so sian and wish that i could just rot and dont do anything. But since i paid for it, i should go. Maybe can mix around more and enjoy myself at the camp. I wish. Just hope that everything will turn for the better if not life will be very miserable for me.
My parents told me that yesterday the news was reporting that in 10 yrs time the sea level is going to increase by 30m. By that time i think sg will be so flooded. How i wish that day will come soon. Life has been so boring even those happy memories or moments arent making it less boring. Why we even exist in the first place. To meet people you are fated to meet or what. It is stupid not to know why we exist and doing the same things over and over again. Yeah, this is life, that is what most of us will say. Sometimes i wonder why i feel like im me. Why cant someone just take my place and i just disappear. Haix just let everything ends soon.

♥ Monday, April 9, 2007 @ 11:34 PM
Wahhh, im feeling damn nervous now cause school is "starting" tomorrow. Heng i chatted with some friends on msn which sort of help reduced my nervousness haha. Really hope that can make new friends if not i think my life in NP will be miserable lol. It will be mUg and Mug, no LIFE lol. I just saw my timetable and it is like SHIT lol. Earliest dismissal is at 1pm la. Fortunate viv doesnt have school on wednesday RAWR haha. Latest dismissal is at 6pm oMg T.T but one gladful thing about it is that school starts late everyday except WED!!! 8am sobsob. The longest break i have got is only 2hrs -.- and viv got 4hrs!!! phiang eh lol. Went to buy clothes for school today. Haiz no more school uniform =x im not "suaning" those who still need to wear uniforms but it is actually quite troublesome to actually not have to wear them. Why my orientation camp is overnight again =x I dont like the experience of sleeping in school cause it is WEIRD lol. Clothes turn smelly for being kept in plastic bags for so long T.T
7th april:
Supposed to have sushi with viv, kn and sc. But kn cant go so we cancelled it and sort of postponed to next week. So decided to rot at home but viv called in the afternoon to ask if want to go her house to make card and also play bridge since will is also going, we asked zx along too x). 3 of us went to Lot 1 to search for materials and also to buy present. We bought 2 cutie stuffs xD. We arrived at Viv's house later and Charkles was like pouncing? on zx lol. Zx claimed that she dont like Charkles cause he always bark and is very loud lol. Poor Charkles. Viv and I was teaching zx how to play bridge since will will be late cause he was like waiting for the rain to stop or become smaller as he didnt want to bring a "brolly" with him. The reason is cause he doesnt have the habit of bringing one. -.- When he came, it was time for the real bridge muahahaha. Zx was like opposing her partner unknowingly lol. All in all it was quite fun cause we didnt know our partners for most of the games and we played until the last card.
Zx need to go off early so Viv and I played 2persons bridge since glen is not coming over and there was not enough "leg". I rushed off to bp plaza to meet my family later. AnD i realised i forgot to collect money from will for the posters -.- but he was pro-er than me, he actually forgot to bring home the posters =.= My brother was so happy to see me there and when i carried him he was like lying his head on my shoulder and tapping me haha so cute rite wahahaha. Bought a new pair of shoes for school =)
8th april:
Morning went for Korean lesson. Went to sweep tomb again in the afternoon. This time is maternal side. It was raining and we had to climb those muddy "shit" up the hill. My leg turned brown-black =.= eeww lol. Everyone was like slipping here and there =x When i was climbing, my pants actually tore -.- so "suay" zzz. When we went to another cemetry, the string attached to my brella actually broke =.= zzz. More "suay" things to come~~ At night, my brother climbed on the treadmill and sat in a way that he might fall anytime. So i rushed to him but i fell down instead by tripping over the chair =.- haiz suay suay suay lol
Today the suayest thing that happened is that my fringe is being cut so damn short. Like a kid uh. Im going to school with this childish look, phiang eh =@ My parents la, they were like telling the hairdresser "shorter shorter shorter". KNS i then "dao" them until we reached home and i went to sleep cause i buay tahan of my fringe. hmph!!!!! May any god bless me that i can make alot of new friends tomorrow x) (and my fringe to grow faster argh).

♥ Friday, April 6, 2007 @ 11:17 PM
Shit-est day ever. So shitty that I prayed for early death when I was "bai-ing" a dont know what buddha. When I saw the countless tombs in the cemetry I was thinking that there were actually so many coffins below the ground. There were tombs that were left aside and there were either overgrown weeds or barren grounds. I feel so sad for them. Sometimes I really wonder when a person dies, will his or her whoever feel really sad, and will there actually be someone who is overjoyed about it. No matter how close the person is to you, as time goes by, he still might be forgotton. Tomb-sweeping festival no longer seems to be a period where people remember their loves ones who have passed away but a day for families gathering, what makes me really annoyed is that some people can actually crack jokes and make fun of the dead ones, maybe they are just joking but then shouldnt they at least respect them? Even some of the adults did that. Shit them.

♥ Sunday, April 1, 2007 @ 12:48 AM
30th march:
R O T x) Actually was playing Final Fantasy VIII the whole day hehe.
31th march:
woohoo~ last day of march xD. Woke up at 9am to prepare for Korean lesson. I was all ready at 9.30am and was just about to leave my house when Kah called me to say that Angelina has ventures today and to ask me about stanford's number. I got really irritated when I couldnt find that STUPID namecard. Everything was not settled and I waited until 9.50am when Kah called again to tell me that we just go for lesson cause we were not sure about if there is lesson today. So I left my house straightaway cause I'll be very late if I didnt do so. But before I could leave my house my brother was crying like mad T.T cause he thought that I was going "gai gai" and sort of abandon him =.= I was so guilty when I saw him cry until so pitiful sia. Haix bad sis =(
Then I quickly rushed to the bus-stop, realising that I did not bring my korean NOTES ALONG!! WTH. *pissed rating HIGH* Aboard the bus later and realised I also FORGOT to bring my water bottle, umbrella and shen chen's cd!!!!!!!! WTfish =@. "The teacher will arrive half an hour later" cause there shouldnt be any lesson today. zzz LAme. Angelina was so pissed off and all the while she was giving out a terrifying aura until I said something whereby the word "PRC" came out and she started to laugh. Phew. After Korean and lunch, Kah, angelina and I went to the comics connection in JP to look for DBSK stuffs since today is the last day of the promotion. But in the end we off-tracked and were looking at anime stuffs.
Kah and I then went to a few comics connection to search but we just couldnt find dbsk stuffs that we wanted to buy. *pissed rating medium* But we found some COOL Bleach posters, really cool!!! One of them only left 2 pieces both of us managed to buy it cool uh. The worker said there wont be stocks of posters of the same kind coming in cause when the new stocks come, it will be new designs x). Im super happy with That poster cause there are cool guys on it. "Byakuya, Uruhara, Renji and Ichigo (R and I are almost half naked lol). I also bought a byakuya hp strap, it is cute x)

Cute little byakuya x) Reached home at about 8pm, ate my dinner and then went out to bp plaza with my family. We were shopping for groceries until about 9pm when I started to realise that I need to go to the comics connection in bp plaza. I rushed there to see quite a few number of people coming out and then the worker was pulling the fence? whatever down. SHOCKED man, I missed it!!! sianded. So I went down to meet my family but when I reached the 2nd storey, the FENCE was OPENED AGAIN!!!!!!!! EGG CAKE LA...I was super duper pissed. What a F***ing UnluCky DaY argh!!!!!!!!
Anyway today is the 1st day of April x) and I managed to fool my parents and some friends ^^ muahahaha. Woohoo~~ it will be a GREAT day hees.

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