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♥ Sunday, January 6, 2008 @ 12:48 AM
Decided to keep a diary coz typing out is actually difficult to express HAHA. Next time will be only pictures posting for next time recalling of memories =).
Christmas eve:
Parents no work so whole family went out tgt. Went to westmall coz singtel offered free phones for customers with 2 years contract up. But long queue so we went to causeway point instead. In the end, causeway the carkpark was full and there were alot of cars outside the shopping centres so we went to have our lunch first at some 'cai guan' dunno where liao 4gt. Yangyang that day kept on ask me/mum to carry but not the maid and he nowadays dont want to walk sia, kept on want people to carry de, dunno when he started to become like that. We went back to westmall again after our lunch zzz.
When I carried him, he kept on disturbing me by making my face and neck zzz which will end up he being tickled my me. He kept on moving here and there, making the person who carried him so xing ku can. Then when we were about to go home coz he kept on liddat then we realised is he was too tired, never slept enough, fell sleep when I was carrying him lol.
Christmas day:
Went to relative's family chalet gathering to bbq. Only know 1 family, others were strangers but met before la. It was at aloha, chalet reminded me of alot of memories. So sweet yet so sad. Ate finish liao then went to the beach with my cousin. She wanted to touch the seawater with her leg so we did but in the end sand went in =.=. So nth much and then we went home separately duh.
Boxing day:
Went to cck mrt station to meet some 4i peeps but in the end only saw kn zzzz. So both of us went to lot 1 first to walk walk, bought sweetalk and then we went back to the control station, worrying that many people would have reached and were waiting for us. (Thanks kn for the keychain that she bought from hk disneyland.) BUT only zx was there -.-. Poor her, sweating and standing alone. So we chit chat while waiting for others tgt. Waited for so long can, meeting at 2pm de but it was alr 3pm. Slowly a few came but till 4pm then everyone who was meeting reached.
Went to glen's hse, played the pig degree game, murderer and dididi. Chitchat-ed, search blog lol took pictures. Then went back to lot 1 again after much consideration to buy our dinner. Lining went off halfway. After dinner then some watched tv, some talk talk. Exchanged presents and then we ate sheralyn's cake and those stuffs she bought from erm japan? Wanted to go viv's hse to drink and talk de but mum called and rushed me hm =@. So Sheralyn no choice? also went home with me. HAHA took LRT with her, reminded me of last time too. When we take Lrt home tgt sometimes with pc also and we chitchat all the way. Hai 'wang shi zhi neng hui wei'.
15 of us - Li ning
3/1/08, thurs:
Went to Holland V with stickyfives. Ate at hawker centre and then went to nydc. Surprised CPR with the brownie(bdae cake) and the birthday song, although it was belated but i think she very touched la and of coz embarrassed i think HAHA. Wait one more year then we go bar tgt lol. Happy 17th birthday again!!! Then we ordered a cookie mudpie and a love potion -.-. Took alot pictures (of coz with jasmine around sure de) with the stuff toys they have. HAHA cookie monster was famous!! x) CPR hit my head twice with 'its' eyeballs -.- unintentionally? MUAHA. As usual yukling craziness relapsed again and made us cracked up.
Happy bdae! birthday gal~
http://www.rockyou.com/show_my_gallery.php?source=ppsl&instanceid=975587034/1/08, fri:
After school went to clementi party world with jierou and sandra. There gt more dbsk's songs lor!!! They were so engrossed in watching the mvs when they played. x)). Jierou was possessed =.= crazy on and off super weird HAHA. Singing with them was so fun and enjoyable coz they pro in singing de =). We chose westlife songs near the end and were screaming when it shows parts where they were super handsome and shocking(electric shocking produced=P). I like them when I was younger that time. 3 of us were like 'hua chi-ing' zzz. DBSK gang shall go there sometime!!!
Parted with them as they took mrt while I took bus. 'Bad luck' awaits me then. I was busy using my phone then I saw 'my bus' behind another quite far away thou. I was going to take 184. The bus I saw was 18, the other digit blocked by the bus infront. ASSUMING that was my bus, I boarded without even looking at it again coz I was also using my phone ma. Settled down, and the bus took off. There was a part where I was listening some song and so engrossed in it when I looked up the bus was empty, only me and the bus driver. I thought something was wrong, the bus U-turn and reached a place that looked like a ulu interchange. I thought I took the wrong bus and that bustop might be the last bustop but later I thought it wasnt coz there were people boarding. So ASSUMING nth is wrong, I slept. After then when I woke up, it was at bukit batok -.- I was still thinking that I took the right bus sia omg wth stupid sia. Then in the end I looked at the bustop that it stopped at, there were no 184 on the stand =.=, only 189 and 187.
At that pt of time then I know I took the wrong bus sia zzz, still guessing which bus I took. Alighted at bt batok interchange and went to the other bustop to take 187 home. That bus was 189 zzzz. My mood was so bad can somemore shoe lace came off and then 187 just went off when I reached the bustop. Felt like swearing sia.
Lesson learned! --DONT ASSUME!!!
encoded in diary~ Sad beginning coz brought yangyang to school and lots of things happend but happy ending coz got sort of a relative and family gathering where we eat and talk much tgt =).

♥ The Webmistress
Anything about you goes here. :D
♥ Sunday, January 6, 2008 @ 12:48 AM
Decided to keep a diary coz typing out is actually difficult to express HAHA. Next time will be only pictures posting for next time recalling of memories =).
Christmas eve:
Parents no work so whole family went out tgt. Went to westmall coz singtel offered free phones for customers with 2 years contract up. But long queue so we went to causeway point instead. In the end, causeway the carkpark was full and there were alot of cars outside the shopping centres so we went to have our lunch first at some 'cai guan' dunno where liao 4gt. Yangyang that day kept on ask me/mum to carry but not the maid and he nowadays dont want to walk sia, kept on want people to carry de, dunno when he started to become like that. We went back to westmall again after our lunch zzz.
When I carried him, he kept on disturbing me by making my face and neck zzz which will end up he being tickled my me. He kept on moving here and there, making the person who carried him so xing ku can. Then when we were about to go home coz he kept on liddat then we realised is he was too tired, never slept enough, fell sleep when I was carrying him lol.
Christmas day:
Went to relative's family chalet gathering to bbq. Only know 1 family, others were strangers but met before la. It was at aloha, chalet reminded me of alot of memories. So sweet yet so sad. Ate finish liao then went to the beach with my cousin. She wanted to touch the seawater with her leg so we did but in the end sand went in =.=. So nth much and then we went home separately duh.
Boxing day:
Went to cck mrt station to meet some 4i peeps but in the end only saw kn zzzz. So both of us went to lot 1 first to walk walk, bought sweetalk and then we went back to the control station, worrying that many people would have reached and were waiting for us. (Thanks kn for the keychain that she bought from hk disneyland.) BUT only zx was there -.-. Poor her, sweating and standing alone. So we chit chat while waiting for others tgt. Waited for so long can, meeting at 2pm de but it was alr 3pm. Slowly a few came but till 4pm then everyone who was meeting reached.
Went to glen's hse, played the pig degree game, murderer and dididi. Chitchat-ed, search blog lol took pictures. Then went back to lot 1 again after much consideration to buy our dinner. Lining went off halfway. After dinner then some watched tv, some talk talk. Exchanged presents and then we ate sheralyn's cake and those stuffs she bought from erm japan? Wanted to go viv's hse to drink and talk de but mum called and rushed me hm =@. So Sheralyn no choice? also went home with me. HAHA took LRT with her, reminded me of last time too. When we take Lrt home tgt sometimes with pc also and we chitchat all the way. Hai 'wang shi zhi neng hui wei'.
15 of us - Li ning
3/1/08, thurs:
Went to Holland V with stickyfives. Ate at hawker centre and then went to nydc. Surprised CPR with the brownie(bdae cake) and the birthday song, although it was belated but i think she very touched la and of coz embarrassed i think HAHA. Wait one more year then we go bar tgt lol. Happy 17th birthday again!!! Then we ordered a cookie mudpie and a love potion -.-. Took alot pictures (of coz with jasmine around sure de) with the stuff toys they have. HAHA cookie monster was famous!! x) CPR hit my head twice with 'its' eyeballs -.- unintentionally? MUAHA. As usual yukling craziness relapsed again and made us cracked up.
Happy bdae! birthday gal~
http://www.rockyou.com/show_my_gallery.php?source=ppsl&instanceid=975587034/1/08, fri:
After school went to clementi party world with jierou and sandra. There gt more dbsk's songs lor!!! They were so engrossed in watching the mvs when they played. x)). Jierou was possessed =.= crazy on and off super weird HAHA. Singing with them was so fun and enjoyable coz they pro in singing de =). We chose westlife songs near the end and were screaming when it shows parts where they were super handsome and shocking(electric shocking produced=P). I like them when I was younger that time. 3 of us were like 'hua chi-ing' zzz. DBSK gang shall go there sometime!!!
Parted with them as they took mrt while I took bus. 'Bad luck' awaits me then. I was busy using my phone then I saw 'my bus' behind another quite far away thou. I was going to take 184. The bus I saw was 18, the other digit blocked by the bus infront. ASSUMING that was my bus, I boarded without even looking at it again coz I was also using my phone ma. Settled down, and the bus took off. There was a part where I was listening some song and so engrossed in it when I looked up the bus was empty, only me and the bus driver. I thought something was wrong, the bus U-turn and reached a place that looked like a ulu interchange. I thought I took the wrong bus and that bustop might be the last bustop but later I thought it wasnt coz there were people boarding. So ASSUMING nth is wrong, I slept. After then when I woke up, it was at bukit batok -.- I was still thinking that I took the right bus sia omg wth stupid sia. Then in the end I looked at the bustop that it stopped at, there were no 184 on the stand =.=, only 189 and 187.
At that pt of time then I know I took the wrong bus sia zzz, still guessing which bus I took. Alighted at bt batok interchange and went to the other bustop to take 187 home. That bus was 189 zzzz. My mood was so bad can somemore shoe lace came off and then 187 just went off when I reached the bustop. Felt like swearing sia.
Lesson learned! --DONT ASSUME!!!
encoded in diary~ Sad beginning coz brought yangyang to school and lots of things happend but happy ending coz got sort of a relative and family gathering where we eat and talk much tgt =).

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