♥ Wednesday, February 4, 2009 @ 9:53 PM
2009 has been quite happening till now x))...
1. Class outing
gals lalala~

everybody (those who went)

2. Drinking days
010109 countdown at viv's hse :) bye ns-to-be boy~
highh highhh into the sky~!!! 3. CNY (of coz lah duh) baby niece ((: duper cutie heh heh AUNT and niece T.T HAHA

4. AND the lOvEly Projects we need to do
Ns4 proj--the rapist & the victim CID + rapist + victim happy family! lao po, lao gong & nv er (: Going to become year 3 really soon..... Cant the time we spend together be like forever HAHA -.-? (not refering to repeating the modules la)
