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♥ Sunday, April 1, 2007 @ 12:48 AM
30th march:
R O T x) Actually was playing Final Fantasy VIII the whole day hehe.
31th march:
woohoo~ last day of march xD. Woke up at 9am to prepare for Korean lesson. I was all ready at 9.30am and was just about to leave my house when Kah called me to say that Angelina has ventures today and to ask me about stanford's number. I got really irritated when I couldnt find that STUPID namecard. Everything was not settled and I waited until 9.50am when Kah called again to tell me that we just go for lesson cause we were not sure about if there is lesson today. So I left my house straightaway cause I'll be very late if I didnt do so. But before I could leave my house my brother was crying like mad T.T cause he thought that I was going "gai gai" and sort of abandon him =.= I was so guilty when I saw him cry until so pitiful sia. Haix bad sis =(
Then I quickly rushed to the bus-stop, realising that I did not bring my korean NOTES ALONG!! WTH. *pissed rating HIGH* Aboard the bus later and realised I also FORGOT to bring my water bottle, umbrella and shen chen's cd!!!!!!!! WTfish =@. "The teacher will arrive half an hour later" cause there shouldnt be any lesson today. zzz LAme. Angelina was so pissed off and all the while she was giving out a terrifying aura until I said something whereby the word "PRC" came out and she started to laugh. Phew. After Korean and lunch, Kah, angelina and I went to the comics connection in JP to look for DBSK stuffs since today is the last day of the promotion. But in the end we off-tracked and were looking at anime stuffs.
Kah and I then went to a few comics connection to search but we just couldnt find dbsk stuffs that we wanted to buy. *pissed rating medium* But we found some COOL Bleach posters, really cool!!! One of them only left 2 pieces both of us managed to buy it cool uh. The worker said there wont be stocks of posters of the same kind coming in cause when the new stocks come, it will be new designs x). Im super happy with That poster cause there are cool guys on it. "Byakuya, Uruhara, Renji and Ichigo (R and I are almost half naked lol). I also bought a byakuya hp strap, it is cute x)

Cute little byakuya x) Reached home at about 8pm, ate my dinner and then went out to bp plaza with my family. We were shopping for groceries until about 9pm when I started to realise that I need to go to the comics connection in bp plaza. I rushed there to see quite a few number of people coming out and then the worker was pulling the fence? whatever down. SHOCKED man, I missed it!!! sianded. So I went down to meet my family but when I reached the 2nd storey, the FENCE was OPENED AGAIN!!!!!!!! EGG CAKE LA...I was super duper pissed. What a F***ing UnluCky DaY argh!!!!!!!!
Anyway today is the 1st day of April x) and I managed to fool my parents and some friends ^^ muahahaha. Woohoo~~ it will be a GREAT day hees.

♥ The Webmistress
Anything about you goes here. :D
♥ Sunday, April 1, 2007 @ 12:48 AM
30th march:
R O T x) Actually was playing Final Fantasy VIII the whole day hehe.
31th march:
woohoo~ last day of march xD. Woke up at 9am to prepare for Korean lesson. I was all ready at 9.30am and was just about to leave my house when Kah called me to say that Angelina has ventures today and to ask me about stanford's number. I got really irritated when I couldnt find that STUPID namecard. Everything was not settled and I waited until 9.50am when Kah called again to tell me that we just go for lesson cause we were not sure about if there is lesson today. So I left my house straightaway cause I'll be very late if I didnt do so. But before I could leave my house my brother was crying like mad T.T cause he thought that I was going "gai gai" and sort of abandon him =.= I was so guilty when I saw him cry until so pitiful sia. Haix bad sis =(
Then I quickly rushed to the bus-stop, realising that I did not bring my korean NOTES ALONG!! WTH. *pissed rating HIGH* Aboard the bus later and realised I also FORGOT to bring my water bottle, umbrella and shen chen's cd!!!!!!!! WTfish =@. "The teacher will arrive half an hour later" cause there shouldnt be any lesson today. zzz LAme. Angelina was so pissed off and all the while she was giving out a terrifying aura until I said something whereby the word "PRC" came out and she started to laugh. Phew. After Korean and lunch, Kah, angelina and I went to the comics connection in JP to look for DBSK stuffs since today is the last day of the promotion. But in the end we off-tracked and were looking at anime stuffs.
Kah and I then went to a few comics connection to search but we just couldnt find dbsk stuffs that we wanted to buy. *pissed rating medium* But we found some COOL Bleach posters, really cool!!! One of them only left 2 pieces both of us managed to buy it cool uh. The worker said there wont be stocks of posters of the same kind coming in cause when the new stocks come, it will be new designs x). Im super happy with That poster cause there are cool guys on it. "Byakuya, Uruhara, Renji and Ichigo (R and I are almost half naked lol). I also bought a byakuya hp strap, it is cute x)

Cute little byakuya x) Reached home at about 8pm, ate my dinner and then went out to bp plaza with my family. We were shopping for groceries until about 9pm when I started to realise that I need to go to the comics connection in bp plaza. I rushed there to see quite a few number of people coming out and then the worker was pulling the fence? whatever down. SHOCKED man, I missed it!!! sianded. So I went down to meet my family but when I reached the 2nd storey, the FENCE was OPENED AGAIN!!!!!!!! EGG CAKE LA...I was super duper pissed. What a F***ing UnluCky DaY argh!!!!!!!!
Anyway today is the 1st day of April x) and I managed to fool my parents and some friends ^^ muahahaha. Woohoo~~ it will be a GREAT day hees.

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