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♥ Sunday, June 8, 2008 @ 3:40 PM
Mon went to sch to take vid of our grp's nsl topic. The last day of sch haha. We took scene by scene so that it would be faster and less mistakes made. Yuk is the model again!! haha last day~ smile~

yuk + wen

zookeeper and her parrot x)  After that some of us went to lvl 7 to settle our pda stuff...mine nidda reinstall man =.= I wasnt able to collect it coz gng off to fishing luckily shakila can help =).
This time round dad drove lorry instead of the car, it has been years since I last sat at the back of lorry..it was so fun!! Except my hair kept on 'slapping' my face. Sing song and shout along the way -.- I did that coz nobody on the street mah haha dunno the drivers can hear anot.
Harvest was quite okay budden the first time still the best. It started raining in the late afternoon sia den after that no more fish caught le T.T stupid sky. Me and my sis started playing with the clamps, crack open, dig out the 'flesh' and throw into the sea zzz.
And the poor fishes have gone into our stomachs already haha.
Met up with Min hwa, Nuraini, Shakila, Liyong, Shahirah at Jec for iceskating!!! =) It has been 4yrs? since I last icekated. I have learned howta skate alr meaning no more clinging onto the 'sideboard' x) budden still at beginner's lvl la duh. Saw the bunch of ppl whu worked at the cafe my family always go iceskating too. So coincident. All of us dunno howta skate initially except for shakila lol..poor her nidda lead us =).
icekskating! we're inside the fridge~ help~ the stranger is looking at the cam too =/ After that we went to take neoprints!! Shahirah went hm thou. Only 5 of us left to take tgt. Then Liyong also went off le so the rest of us went to meet maisarah at a coffee shop to have our dinner.  The food was super nice...Halal zi cha. Very worth the price 5 ppl 30 dollars nia. Finally then, home sweet home.
Today actually going to partyworld with some 4i peeps budden many cant go liao so I also decide to bangseh viv and kah. Sry gals. We will meet nxt time haha if gt chance.
Tomorrow's the start of attachment. T.T So sian..it's always liddat. When it's going to be attachment I will feel super dunwan to go budden still must la..But during attachment I dun mind working everyday sia lol =.= This is madness.
Off to gaming before my working starts x)~

♥ The Webmistress
Anything about you goes here. :D
♥ Sunday, June 8, 2008 @ 3:40 PM
Mon went to sch to take vid of our grp's nsl topic. The last day of sch haha. We took scene by scene so that it would be faster and less mistakes made. Yuk is the model again!! haha last day~ smile~

yuk + wen

zookeeper and her parrot x)  After that some of us went to lvl 7 to settle our pda stuff...mine nidda reinstall man =.= I wasnt able to collect it coz gng off to fishing luckily shakila can help =).
This time round dad drove lorry instead of the car, it has been years since I last sat at the back of lorry..it was so fun!! Except my hair kept on 'slapping' my face. Sing song and shout along the way -.- I did that coz nobody on the street mah haha dunno the drivers can hear anot.
Harvest was quite okay budden the first time still the best. It started raining in the late afternoon sia den after that no more fish caught le T.T stupid sky. Me and my sis started playing with the clamps, crack open, dig out the 'flesh' and throw into the sea zzz.
And the poor fishes have gone into our stomachs already haha.
Met up with Min hwa, Nuraini, Shakila, Liyong, Shahirah at Jec for iceskating!!! =) It has been 4yrs? since I last icekated. I have learned howta skate alr meaning no more clinging onto the 'sideboard' x) budden still at beginner's lvl la duh. Saw the bunch of ppl whu worked at the cafe my family always go iceskating too. So coincident. All of us dunno howta skate initially except for shakila lol..poor her nidda lead us =).
icekskating! we're inside the fridge~ help~ the stranger is looking at the cam too =/ After that we went to take neoprints!! Shahirah went hm thou. Only 5 of us left to take tgt. Then Liyong also went off le so the rest of us went to meet maisarah at a coffee shop to have our dinner.  The food was super nice...Halal zi cha. Very worth the price 5 ppl 30 dollars nia. Finally then, home sweet home.
Today actually going to partyworld with some 4i peeps budden many cant go liao so I also decide to bangseh viv and kah. Sry gals. We will meet nxt time haha if gt chance.
Tomorrow's the start of attachment. T.T So sian..it's always liddat. When it's going to be attachment I will feel super dunwan to go budden still must la..But during attachment I dun mind working everyday sia lol =.= This is madness.
Off to gaming before my working starts x)~

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